Gravity introduced a new work that utilizes Lagrange IP in a showcase held at the Vesta 2021 on the 18th.
On the 18th, the Lagrange Beginners introduces the game of Choir Hyundai PD and a systemic business PM, and explained that the users are wondering about Q & A.
Ragnarök Begins was a Lagrange first multi-platform MMORPG, featuring transverse scroll play and non-targeting combat. In addition, we introduce a story as a background 100 years ago from the original.
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On the 19th, Ragnarök V: Resurrection of the Eclipsing Development PD and STATUS PM and STATION INTRODUCTION ARTLESS. Ragnarök V: Resurrection is under development as a subsequent Gravity Neo Sir, a new Gravity Neo Sir. Proceed with the story in the world extended than the previous work.
Gravity said, Introduction to two new titles that the launch of 2022 will be launched for two days. As a result of the disclosure of new titles, he said, he said, he said.
Gravity Just 2021 Media Showcase Broadcasting can be watched through the Gravity Just 2021 special page.
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